Yoga by Karma

Yoga for Fertility
with Karma

May 15 (Saturday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
75 minutes

Yoga classes
Yoga for Fertility

Join us in our serene studio for a yoga class specifically tailor-made for your individual fertility needs (Max. 6 women/class). Your teacher, Karma, will guide you through yoga postures designed to optimise blood flow to your pelvic region and support your endocrine system, while ensuring they are appropriate for any stage of your journey. Combining gentle slow flow and restorative yoga, you'll release tension, and ease stress while experiencing relaxation, nourishment and self-nurture. Breathing techniques to calm the nervous system, and guided meditation/visualisations are interwoven to encourage connection of mind, body, breath, heart, and womb. Your professional and knowledgable teacher, Karma, is specially trained in Yoga for Fertility (Baby Bliss, Australia) and given her own journey with IVF, she is highly empathetic to what you are going through.

During the last 15 minutes of class, we provide a safe supportive sharing space with a cup of tea. Should you choose to stay, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, talk about your experiences, new found wisdom, struggles and wins. Karma will also happily share the research, knowledge, resources and experiences of her own fertility journey (which is still ongoing!). You may find you learn something, find a friend, but most importantly know that you are not alone! 

With regular practice you'll feel like part of a fertility family, gain knowledge and take-home tools to assist with your journey ahead.

  • Complimentary use of ALL hygienically cleaned props
  • Opportunity to connect with other women on their fertility journey
  • Q&A + discussion time
  • Herbal Tea
  • 5 classes Punchcard holders also receive:
    • Access to our Yoga by Karma VIP Facebook Group with even more resources including guided meditation
    • Access to all our other online content library tutorials & classes.

Classes held fortnightly. Saturdays 10:30-11:45am. Option to leave at 11:30am before tea and discussion time. Book online here.

Classes must be booked at least 24 hours in advance before your class starts.

Information, Waiver and Questionnaire must be completed and emailed to [email protected] before your first booking.

5 Classes Fertility Punchcard - $125 (T&Cs apply)
This includes planning time based on your information you provide in your questionnaire specifically relating to your current stage of your cycle & fertility journey. These yoga classes are highly tailored to each womens' individual needs.

Who is this class for?
Women who:
  • are planning to start a family and want to prepare themselves,
  • currently going through IVF, 
  • struggling to conceive for the first time or with subsequent pregnancies, 
  • women trying to conceive after miscarriage.
  • BEGINNERS are welcome! This is a yoga class suitable for all.
Please contact Karma [email protected] for further information or to discuss your needs. 